When life hands you literal lemons, you can cook and bake with them. Here are a couple of favorite lemon recipes:
Lemon Cupcakes with Lavender Frosting
HOW TO USE LEMON TO (NOT) REMOVE FRECKLES: I would NEVER recommend doing what I did in 7th grade. Desperate to get rid of my “unsightly” freckles, I consulted a friend’s mom’s old-time natural remedies book. At a sleepover, we attempted the Great Freckle Removal. Mixing lemon juice and just a soupçon of horseradish into a paste, we began to apply it to my face. Within seconds, my epidermis was on fire, and I had to go wash it off. For the next few days, my skin peeled, revealing—yes!—that freckles are MORE than skin deep. Don’t try this at home, kids!
MAKING LEMONADE: On a more serious note, life often hands out more lemons (setbacks, struggles) than we’d like. It’s up to us to decide how we’ll handle these un-asked-for “gifts.” Disappointment and sadness are totally natural responses, of course. But then what?
MAKE ‘EM LAUGH: My VERY talented friend Kirsten Michelle Cills has an answer that works for her, and delights her audiences.
Kirsten was born with cystic fibrosis (she’s now in her late 20s). She has lived her whole life with a terminal illness. Kirsten decided to use her humor to connect with the world, and she has succeeded. Here is a small sample of her amazing stand up comedy. Please check it out, and feel free to laugh (that’s what Kirsten hopes).
CONFESSION: I LOVE TED talks!! I learn so much from these 15ish-minute live onstage presentations from all kinds of folks. Confession #2: Giving a TED talk is on my bucket list. We shall see. But this one, with Carrie Koh, is a powerful reminder that, even during terrible adversity, we still have choices which can empower and heal us:
MUSIC: “Lemon Tree”
Many moons ago, my darling hubby Steve introduced me to Peter, Paul and Mary. While I am not always grateful that the famous trio’s songbook plays on repeat in my brain, I do love their version of “Lemon Tree.” Enjoy:
BLOG PREVIEW: I was once terrified of driving. I still hate to drive at night/in rain or snow, but just getting behind the wheel generally used to be a huge issue for me…until I took a life-changing train journey. Where did I go, and what happened? Choo choo on over to Working Title tomorrow and find out!
In this lemony life, we need to take care of each other, and understand each other, and, yes, maybe even give each other a little squeeze from time to time. Have a sweet week, my friends!!
Very refreshing, Elise! I really enjoyed this 🍋🍋🍋