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Memory—so taken for granted, until it starts to slip away. I’m really feeling it these days, this slipperiness of recall. The other night a group of women gathered to reminisce about being members of EONA (our neighborhood association) 30 years ago. We’d been asked to share a memory, and while I did come up with something, it was a little lame. Wonder of wonders, as we chatted and laughed, many more memories of those crazy new-mom years came bubbling up. Moral of the story: it’s all still in our brains, somewhere, my friends, as long as we (I) don’t panic!!
Veteran’s Day has just passed, an annual time to remember our brave men and women in uniform. Until our Evan came along, my family tree was a tad slack in that department. My dad served in both Army and Navy in WWII, yet never left the USA. His primary military duty seems to have been peeling tons of potatoes in a base kitchen in Florida. Oh, well, somebody had to do it…
Whereas Evan graduated from the US Naval Academy in 2008 and spent the next six years as an officer. Here’s a snapshot of the first day of his adventure…an essay I wrote for “Grown and Flown.”
Sometimes, everyone’s memory needs a boost. Our Jewish brothers and sisters hang mezuzahs on their doors, with scrolls inscribed with the oh-so-important prayer, the Shema, which reminds the faithful that we have one God.
Here’s the video I made on the subject for Faith Finders Fun a few years back…
My best friend in 8th grade, Lisa, was the coolest. She actually had an antique player piano in her kitchen, and sleepovers always included playing MANY old, old piano rolls (and singing along, of course!) Here’s one I loved, by Irving Berlin…
LIKE A LEAF: REFLECTION: The lesson we can learn from the autumn leaves, by the incomparable Zen Buddhist monk and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh…
BLOG PREVIEW: Getting old is such fun, isn’t it? This week over at Working Title I’ll be talking about “Aging in Place” (which everybody used to automatically do before retirement communities, right?) Nowadays, staying put in your home is a bold choice—ho ho, steep flights of stairs! I laugh at you (even as I pray not to trip on you!)
It’s true! In the midst of the world’s turmoil, we can still find calm and comfort by looking within. Wishing you a week of serenity and joy (and happy memories), my friends!!
I always love your quotes of the week and your stories. And your creative titles like Memory Lane:) Your muse is amazing!