Winter slogs on, and we’re all trying our best, right, gang? But sometimes…ugh. For me, it’s the nasty cold that has plagued me for well over a month now. And I’m already pre-dreading the upcoming four-year anniversary of the COVID lockdown. How are YOU doing? (Really)?
CONVERSATIONS WITH ELMO: Read about Elmo’s viral tweet and the unexpected responses (we are not OK, buddy, but thanks for asking). Everybody’s favorite little Sesame Street fella checked in with us the other day, and his fans were honest…
Hang in there, my friends—daylight savings is just five weeks away!
But in the meantime, there is always something to look forward to. Super Bowl LVIII is mere DAYS from now. I still have no clue about any of the deets, but a little birdie told me to pray for a “swift” flight to Vegas for my girl Taylor…
ESSAY: In which I am (not) bowled-over by the Super Bowl
For nine years, I wrote a regular column for the Chestnut Hill Local in Philly. Here was my take on the 2018 Super Bowl (who was playing? Quick!) Amazingly, my feelings on the subject have NOT changed…
My Super Bowl Story for Chestnut Hill Local 2018
VIDEO: The Butterfly Circus
This is a big ask, I realize (22 minutes of your time.) But if you are so inclined, and haven’t seen this, I don’t think you’ll be sorry you watched this small masterpiece…
MUSIC: Brad Mehldau and “Blackbird”
Brad Mehldau is a pre-eminent jazz pianist and arranger. I HIGHLY recommend all of his recordings. Here he is offering a gorgeous rendition of the Beatles’ poignant song.
BLOG PREVIEW: Word of the Day—in my never-ending quest for self-improvement, I subscribe to lots of (Fill in the Blank) of the Day emails. Recently, Aiden has joined me in learning about an unusual word every morning. Many, I already use (humble brag), but some are new adds to the vocab: Sensu lato! Mickle! Pareidolia! C’mon over to Working Title right now, for a heaping helping of knowledge!
Hear, hear, Bishop Curry! And here’s to love, my friends. Here’s to a future, not only possible, but wonderful. Have a great week!